Hi all! Thanks for visiting my site.
I have been taking photos since roughly the age of 16 years old and professionally since 2014 with a broad range of experience, from portraits to events to concerts to product. I just love to shoot.
My absolute favorite things to shoot are performance and concert settings. I love shooting in low light, changing light, and getting that “money” shot. I started shooting my high school students plays with a basic set up and manual focusing. I learned a lot from shooting those performance and as I progressed through the last few years, I’ve come to look forward to the challenges that shooting in those conditions presents.
That being said, I am happy to shoot across the range of situations, from event to portraits, macros to landscapes. About the only event I will not shoot is weddings as I have to date never shot one.
I am a Nikon shooter and an NPS member. My first full digital SLR was a Nikon D60 with a 50mm 1.8 lens. I’ve progressed through crop sensor cameras to full frame and now shoot a mix of both depending on situation and need. I have a broad range of lenses to cover almost all shooting situations.
I can be reached via the Contact link at the top of this page. Email me with questions or to book a shoot!